
Thursday, December 09, 2010

Thin Line

I can watch you
with your eyes fixed open
in fascination,
by the scene you’re seeing
The connection is visceral
blood finding itself again
As you look at the pain
spat out before you
Arrogance fallen once more

I can watch you
with my eyes closed shut
in denial
by the scene you’re seeing
The distance is undeniable
as you push yourself up
from the pain you see
When all I can feel
is the thin line between
the standing and the falling


Is it courage
if we can’t see the beast we are fighting,
is the question I ask myself
without speaking
every hour

Is it choice
when we cannot contemplate
the other option
no matter how dark
the day that threatens to fall

Is it determined
if we cast the net widely
if we throw our cards into the air
if we hold our breathe, sign a cross,
feel premonitions,
follow intuition.
Close our eyes and hope like hell...